6 Tent Accessories You Need for Your Next Camping Trip

When you read articles about tent accessories, what do you tend to find? The latest developments in paracord? Or how about the sturdiest tie downs and new ways to tie knots? 

Each of those elements are crucial to a successful camping trip. But, we want to do something a little different here. We want to help you accessorize your tent in such a way that it starts to look like a (tastefully) palatial estate. 

Room by room and accessory by accessory, we want to help you create a camping compound that will leave you wanting for nothing. With this style of camping, you’ll literally be able to tell people you brought everything but the kitchen sink.

(Unless, of course, you want to bring a kitchen sink. In which case, we’re going to help you make room for that, too.) 

What we’re doing here is building a multi-functional palace for you during your next trip. You’ll never want to pull up those tent stakes. Staying forever will quickly become the dream. 

1. Portable Changing Room

A portable changing room will completely change the way you camp. When you camp, your tent should be your sanctuary, your place of rest.

After all, that’s why many of us choose this kind of respite.

So, your place of rest should not comingle with the place where you “take care of business” or simply get freshened up. 

With a portable changing room, you’ll never have to get dressed hunched over. And you can even tend to certain bits of “freshening up” without leaving your site.

Imagine saying goodbye to all those treks down to the communal bathroom. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it?

2. Portable Toilet

This brings us to another tent accessory that belongs in your “bonus room.” If you’re doing it right, your portable toilet should not give off even the slightest hint of odor. (Yes, that is an absolute possibility.) 

There are certain chemicals out there that can aid in the fight against the repercussions of taking care of business. However, that doesn’t mean your portable toilet needs to be in your inner sanctum. 

You also don’t have to take care of business in a part of the woods that can give unknowing passersby a show. Indeed, you can tuck your portable toilet into your semi-attached changing room and take care of business like a pro (and in total privacy).

3. Portable Shower

Just above the toilet, make way for a shower head. (We do recommend you place the toilet outside the tent door if you don’t want to be tripping, standing, or squatting over it.

But, since your portable changing room should have plenty of standing room, you can install a shower head that actually sprays out warm water!

No more trekking to the campground’s questionable facilities. With a solar-heated bag, you’re looking at warm water, a steady flow of privacy, and a complete washing up session that will make you feel refreshed before your day of refreshment. 

4. Furniture

Whenever someone’s budget allows, we always recommend a tent with a little “front porch,” so to speak. It’s just an added area outside the sleeping area where you can place two folding chairs and maybe a table. 

This allows you to remain within the enclosure of the tent – free from the mosquitos – but still hear all the soothing songs of the evening. With a chorus of crickets or frogs surrounding you, it’s nice to take it all in without slapping your legs every few seconds thanks to another bug bite.  

5. Hanging Fan

Depending on the season, it’s always nice to have a hanging fan or a stabilized propane heater. If the nights are running just a tad too warm, a battery or solar-powered fan can be just the ticket. 

Conversely, despite all that warmth coming from your cold temperature sleeping bag, a small propane heater might make all the difference, too.

6. Mosquito Net Hammock

There’s one final extension of your tent that can never be left behind. Be sure to park your tent somewhere near a pair of trees so you can extend a mosquito net hammock and consider it your new living room.

Many customers have retreated to this safe haven in an effort to avoid the peskiest pests of all and wound up sleeping there for the night. So, don’t be surprised if you join the ranks of people who end up sleeping while suspended in the air. 

It’s a cozy, soothing way to rock yourself to sleep. But, with the mosquito netting, you stand a chance against the nighttime brigade of creepy crawlers that set out to get us. 

Tent Accessories for the Perfect Palace

And there you have it! You didn’t think we were just going to recommend a couple tent tie downs or a tent repair kit, did you? What’s the fun in that? 

No, we want you to have a full-scale camping experience – the kind that makes all your neighbors wonder where in the world you got all that “stuff.” 

Indeed, people will love your style the moment you pop out that portable changing room, complete with shower head and caddy. 

When you’re ready to outfit your campsite in the way most of us can only dream, come on over and check out our inventory. Here at The Savvy Survivalist, we have everything you need to make your campsite an extension of your home. 

From sleeping bags and mats to a full range of cookware, we’ll get you outfitted in no time. Here’s to a wealth of restful nights under the glow of the moonlit stars.