Survival Camping, Anyone?
If you enjoy outdoor activities, you’ve probably heard the term “survival camping” at least once in your life. As more and more people have a hard time disconnecting from their daily lives, survival camping has become increasingly popular. Survival camping is a form of camping that focuses on the essentials: It’s an extended excursion in the outdoors with limited supplies.
Survival camping, sometimes called minimalist camping, includes the collection of your own food and the construction of your own shelter with the absolute least resources. As a consequence, survival camping may be regarded as a true test of the skills of an outdoor person. While different types of campers may have different views about what constitutes survival camping, they often do so with much fewer supplies and equipment than traditional camps.
Survival camping is comparable to traditional camping since it is intended to reconnect with nature. On the other hand, traditional camping provides minimal comforts we are accustomed to from home, like water, heating, and electricity to the survival campsite. Although it may be hard to enter into survival camping if you do not know the survival abilities and the basics of outdoor life, mastering the survival art will always provide a more rewarding experience than parking your RV in the woods and lighting up a fire.
Benefits of Survival Camping?
The modern world may be intimidating and many individuals seek to reconnect with nature in their day-to-day lives. Returning to nature may take many different shapes, from an easy stroll to pack up your property and travel to the mountains. Returning to nature for survival campers leaves virtually every aspect of the modern world behind and enters the open with almost nothing and depends solely on what nature offers.
Mind over Matter
As you see, in addition to the many benefits that regular camping often offers, there are many psychological advantages to survival camping. Not only do you need a vacation from the thrill of modern life, but you will also develop your confidence and depth in some very fundamental and human instincts that will help both your self-esteem and problem-solving skills in the future. You will feel that there is no problem in the world that you cannot solve after mastering the natural environment such that for days, or even weeks, you can survive with nothing but a small bag of supplies.
Becoming Your Ultimate Self
The benefits of survival camping are thus not just psychological but also physical. A survival campsite is an ultimate challenge, and your first survival camping trip gives you the same speed as your first marathon. Survival campsites challenge your body and mind, making it the perfect holistic learning experience for anybody who wants to leave the main street. This means that the survival camping is good not just for environment lovers but also for individuals who enjoy all kinds of physical fitness.
Creating a Survival Kit:
Any outdoor lover should carry a basic survival kit. You never know when something might go wrong and jeopardize your life. However, if you carry properly thought-out survival equipment with you, you will substantially increase your odds of survival. However, it is important to note, that different persons may need different types of things in their survival kit and that you will need to adapt yours to your own needs and circumstances. In consequence, you should certainly avoid buying a pre-assembled kit and construct your own instead. We’ll go through some of the most important items in a survival pack and take into account certain factors while putting it together.
What Kind of Supplies Can You Bring Along When Survival Camping?
As stated above, no list defines what things you can or cannot take with you when camping for survival. Of course, you can’t bring your RV and a flat-screen TV with you. But is it allowed for you to carry any kind of shelter?
When it comes down to it, the way you identify yourself camping is largely decided by your own degree of comfort. If you read this, you probably won’t initially know the idea of survival camping. In this situation, you may wish to bring some more supplies than someone who has spent a substantial part of his life camping.
There are some basic supplies you can bring.
- Sleeping bag
- Basic shelter of some kind
- Pocket knife
- Essentials/first-aid kit/survival kit
- Pot and utensils
Why Camping Is Good for Your Mental Wellbeing
Camping enables you to encounter the natural world in close touch. Natural environments provide a range of mental health benefits. The effects of the physical environment on the human brain, especially the water, forest, and animal components, are often underestimated.
The lack of contact with nature, particularly in the early years, appears to eliminate a layer of protection for the mind against psychological stress and an opportunity for mental renovation.